Tourist Tax in Quedlinburg - WHY?
The World Heritage City Quedlinburg and the district of Gernrode are state-recognised as a recreational place. The district of Bad Suderode was a state-recognised calcium spring health resort, the town also applied for the recreation place status. The World Heritage City Quedlinburg therefore charges a tourist tax for guests staying overnight in the survey area. This is intended to cover part of their expenses for the production, acquisition, extension, improvement, renewal and maintenance of their tourism-related facilities.
Tourist Tax in Quedlinburg - HOW?

Upon arrival at your accommodation, your host will issue you the tourist tax booklet “Qupon. ” Please make sure to fill in the booklet correctly, as it is an important proof of the discounts included. Payment of the tourist tax is made directly at the host. How payment processing is handled differs from one host to another. For some, the tourist tax is paid together with the accommodation or arrangement costs, others in turn receive this cash on site.
Tourist Tax in Quedlinburg - HOW MANY?

The tourist tax is calculated according to the duration of the stay. Arrival and departure count as one day. The daily tourist tax is 3.00 EUR per person incl. VAT. Various discounts and exemptions are provided for the payment of the tourist tax:
- Children after the age of 6 and before the age of 18 (1.00 €)
- Severely disabled persons (incapacity to work is not only temporarily reduced by at least 50%) and their accompanying persons ( 'B' in official identification card) (1.50 €)
- Persons residing in the survey area solely for the purpose of professional or training purposes. (liberated)
More details in tourist tax constitution: Download as PDF
Tourist Tax in Quedlinburg - HATIX?

HATIX makes you mobile – you can use this special offer free of charge during your holiday in the Harz. You will receive the Harzer Urlaubsticket (part of the tourist tax booklet) with accommodation and payment of the current guest contribution in Quedlinburg, Gernrode and Bad Suderode. It allows you to travel freely on all public bus and tram lines in the Harz district, in the Goslar district as well as on selected lines in the Mansfeld-Südharz district.
All information about the Harzer Urlaubsticket and timetable information at:
Tourist Tax in Quedlinburg - DISCOUNTS?

A variety of services are included in the "Qupon" booklet. These include, for example, discounts on restaurant visits as well as reduced entrances and trips.