Abbey Garden and Brühlpark

The gardens of the former monastery Quedlinburg, which was founded in 936, are embedded in one of the oldest artificial landscapes in Central Europe. The abbey garden is located at the foot of the castle hill. To the south is the Brühlpark, named after the “Broil” (forest) of the fromer St. Wiperti monastery which fell during the reformation to the Collegiate Church. Its square shape with an alley cross can be traced back to the abbess Anna Dorothea in 1685. Abbess Anna Amalie added diagonal avenues in 1757. At the end of the 18th century, under the last abbess Sophie Albertine, a garden area in scenic style was created east of the Brühl. Through a donation of the Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III., the Brühl came into municipal ownership in 1817. An extensive park was created by the addition of additional areas. Two important garden artists were involved in its beautification: In 1866 the European-wide Eduard Petzold and in 1900 the Magdeburg garden director Johann Gottlieb Schoch. Among the most valuable pieces of equipment in the park are the monuments to Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock and the geographer Carl Ritter, both sons of the city.
The baroque axis through the abbey garden was restored in 2006 with the technical and financial support of the Allianz Environmental Foundation. Through this connection, the garden ensemble can be experienced as a unit today.
In 2007, the enhancement of the Brühlpark and the construction of the tourist infrastructure in the adjacent Brühlstraße was carried out with great financial and personnel expenditure. The city receives financial support from the German Foundation for the Protection of Monuments. Until spring 2008 about 10,000 sqm of paths were repaired, 180 new trees were planted, 35 benches were installed, a water fountain was installed in the flower garden, a new playground was built, a pavilion was erected and many new shrub areas were created. In addition, two new pedestrian bridges now lead into the park.
In order to be able to market the "Garden Dreams" areas better for tourists, it was necessary to improve the functionality and design of the adjacent paths, roads and pitches. The road bridge was replaced.
All the measures could only be realised thanks to the generous provision of funding by the federal state Saxony-Anhalt and their co-financing by the European Union. The town Quedlinburg owes this first and foremost to the network "Garden Dreams".