Fourteen preserved churches and chapels shape the city silhouette of Quedlinburg. Each one bears witness to a specific period of time and visitors can relive, for example, the lively history of the two collegiate churches, the Little St. John’s Chapel or the Old Church of Bad Suderode.

Collegiate Church St. Servatii Quedlinburg
In 936, after the death of Henry I, a free-world imperial abbey was founded on the castle hill, which was subordinated only to the Emperor and Pope. The main task of the women’s monastery was the permanent memory of Henry I. The rich relics and treasures from this period can still be admired today as part of the church treasury in the Romanesque Collegiate Church.
Market Church St. Benedikti Quedlinburg
In the heart of the historic old town, the Market Church overlooks all the other buildings. Already in the 10th century there was an early Romanesque predecessor church on the same site. In the church, visitors can visit the official urban development in the exhibition “Quedlinburg – From the Palace City to the City of Roland. ” In addition, a tower climb is recommended to enjoy a unique view over the city.

St. Nikolai Church Quedlinburg
The St. Nikolai Church with its 72 m high towers shapes the silhouette of the New Town of Quedlinburg. It was probably rebuilt into a Gothic hall church in the 14th century.
Church St. Wiperti
The area around today’s Church St. Wiperti was originally the royal court and thus the nucleus of Ottonian rule. Around 950 a cruciform basilica was built here, into which the crypt, which is still preserved today, was built in 1020.

St. - Aegidii - Church of Quedlinburg
The village “Nördlingen” became part of the city Quedlinburg at the end of the 13th century. Here is the church of St. Aegidii, mentioned in a papal document of Alexander III in 1179. The interior of the late Gothic, three-aisled hall church is characterized by an early Baroque decoration.

St. John's Chapel Quedlinburg
St. John’s Chapel – the sacred gem on the outskirts of the city is located on the pilgrimage route of St. James. The chapel is preceded by a legendary founding story. It is located in the middle of a famous district, which was known for its special social living concept of the Heiligegeist- und Johannis-Hospital-Foundation. This was shown at the World Exposition in Paris in 1900.

Cultural Church St. Blasii
The Cultural Church St. Blasii is one of two churches in the centre of the historical old town. With the support of the German Foundation for the Protection of Monuments, the church was extensively restored in the 1990s. Today, culture is at home in the sacred building. Various concerts, readings and exhibitions can be visited here.

Collegiate Church St. Cyriacus Gernrode
In the middle of the 10th century, the clearing "Geronisroth" first appeared as a term. There is evidence that in 961 King Otto I took under his protection the abbey of Cyriacus, which had been founded shortly before. To this day, the Ottonian Collegiate Church of St. Cyriacus is the landmark of Gernrode and impresses with one of the oldest hall crypts in Germany, a Byzantine nave and one of the oldest preserved replicas of the tomb of Christ north of the Alps. After its time as a princely cathedral, towards the end of the 17th century the abbey was converted into a “castle” and lost its centuries-old importance as a monastery. Today the church is used as a parish church and place for special musical events.

Old Church of Bad Suderode
Unfortunately, the history of this small and beautiful church can only be reconstructed fragmentarily from later traditions. Suderode is mentioned for the first time in the document issued by Pope Alexander III in 1179. While the apse and the massive tower of the Old Church are unmistakable Romanesque, the small pillars of the sound holes even have an Ottonian character.