
Church St. Wiperti

The Church St. Wiperti with its over 1000-year-old crypt is one of the last remains of this important Ottonian dominion. For Henry I (919-936) and his son Otto I the Great (936-973), Quedlinburg was the place where they celebrated Eastern most often. In Quedlinburg it was again the area in and around Church St. Wiperti, where they resided. Later on, a free canonical convent was built on this square, which was converted into a premonstratensian monastery in the 12th century. After the Reformation, which led to the dissolution of the monastery, the church was used as a Protestant parish church until the 19th century. It was then turned into a barn and later abused by the SS.

In the 1950s it was restored as a church and since then it has been used as a Catholic parish church in the summer months.

Copyright © by Förderverein Wipertikirche Quedlinburg e. V.

Opening Times

May - October 

Monday - Saturday
10:00 am - 12:00 am

Monday - Sunday
02:00 pm - 05:00 pm 


  • free entry
  • donation desired

Guided Tours


St. Wiperti Kirche
Wipertistraße | 06484 Quedlinburg

Kath. Pfarramt | Förderverein Wipertikirche Quedlinburg e. V.
Neuendorf 4 | 06484 Quedlinburg
phone: 03946 915082

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